
A key contributor to Uniswap Protocol's success is its decentralized governance model, enabling token holders to actively participate in shaping its future through submitting and voting on proposals. This creates a democratic and inclusive decision-making process.

To ensure the long-term success of Uniswap Protocol, it's important to support and boost engagement within its community. Encouraging more participation in the governance process through simpler methods and easy-to-use interactions can help build a strong and dedicated community that can effectively guide the platform's direction.


Currently, creating a governance proposal requires proposers to directly interact with Uniswap Governor Smart Contracts.

This approach not only poses the risk of errors but also demands substantial technical expertise from participants. Moreover, the existing system does not offer a simulation mode for testing proposed changes, making it challenging for proposers to detect potential issues before submitting their request.

Consequently, this complex process acts as an obstacle to broader participation in the governance process and imposes limitations on the platform's current operations.


To overcome these challenges, this Request for Proposal (RFP) aims to find solutions that simplify the governance proposal creation process. By streamlining this process, the Uniswap community can foster a more open, democratic, and efficient governance system that is better equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities within the DeFi landscape.


We invite proposals for a comprehensive solution that simplifies the governance proposal creation process by addressing the following goals:


Team Competencies