
As part of the Uniswap Foundation’s broader initiative to address the challenges faced by unreliable data quality and disparate data sources, the Uniswap Community Research Program marks the next step to accompany the DEX Analytics Portal by Allium. By leveraging DEX Analytics’ robust data warehouse, the Community Research Program is designed to not only foster a culture of research and innovation within the Uniswap ecosystem, but also to expand the greater research community, thereby creating a self-sustaining network effect. Through structured challenges and incentives, the project focuses on attracting new analysts and data scientists while retaining existing ones, catalyzing a continuous flow of fresh insights and ideas.

The introduction of the DEX Analytics Portal by Allium enables DeFi data science and research communities to coalesce around a unified dataset with standard methodologies and schemas, which were previously not well defined and fragmented. This ensures that any researcher curious about DeFi can trust that their data is accurate, so that others can verify analyses or perform their own research building off of established work more easily by using the same taxonomy. Although each initiative alone can be an impactful tool in supporting researchers, the Community Research Program allows for both DeFi and academic research communities to identify interesting and high potential questions impacting the Uniswap protocol through targeted competitive analyses.

The integration of both initiatives establish a positive feedback loop to improve the ecosystem’s research capabilities and accelerate implementations of insightful analyses. Participants will actively improve the credibility and reliability of the data schemas used, thus facilitating quicker adoption of updated definitions and newer methodologies, which previously relied on informal channels like twitter and forum posts. Structured challenges will encourage diverse research collaborations and more complex analyses, prompting novel experiments and development. This foundation reinforces our long-term commitment to being a core pillar supporting DeFi research, as we continue to catalyze research initiatives into applied implementations built on top of Uniswap.


This program aims to:

Program Structure

The Uniswap Research Community Analytics Program combines elements of a research analyst fellowship and a data scientist incubator over a 12-month period, featuring diverse research challenges that range from one-week sprints to multi-month deep dives. This flexible structure supports a variety of research activities, including virtual hackathons, data visualization contests, and open dataset competitions, fostering innovation and comprehensive investigation into the DeFi space.

Enhanced by the integration with the DEX Analytics Portal from Allium, the program provides researchers with standardized, high-quality data, overcoming previous inconsistencies and enabling more accurate, collaborative studies. This setup not only boosts the quality of research outputs but also aligns with our goals of advancing the Uniswap ecosystem and promoting wider adoption of DeFi innovations.

It will challenge participants to address potentially pressing questions including, but not limited to:

Grantee Responsibilities

The selected grantee will be responsible for: